Saturday, December 19, 2015

FY17 Budget Process Underway

Hello SSVT Community,

As we approach a well-deserved vacation and end of 2015 I want to inform you that SSVT is beginning to build its budget for the 2016-2017 school year.  Our department heads have submitted requests for supplies and equipment and this past Wednesday night I presented a FY17 budget proposal to our school committee.  The entire budget process will take several months and involves our school committee and our eight district towns.

This budget increase includes the funds needed to maintain current curriculum and technology in our academic and vocational technical areas, as well as funds facilities projects to help keep our school modern and responsive to student and staff needs.

In addition to the budget presentation for 2016-2017, there is also a narrated Long Range Facilities Plan that highlights the many projects that have been completed since the summer and the many projects planned for the future.

Both items are posted to our school website:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

---Mr. Hickey

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