Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September Updates

Hello SSVT Community,

As we approach the end of September, I hope students and families are getting settled into your September school routines.  It has been a busy start to the school year, and so far...no snow days!.  

Allow me to offer you a few updates:


The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently released the Spring 2013 scores for districts and schools.  We have much to be proud of here at SSVT.  We continue to make progress with students scoring Advanced and Proficient, and we continue to be designated as a Level 1 school.  Our teachers continue to motivate our students to do their best work!  

As with any test results, we will drill down to find areas for improvement and adjustment. However, MCAS tests are a snapshot of a student's performance over their four year high school experience.  So when our teachers evaluate the whole student, our teachers utilize many "non-paper and pencil" ways to assess student progress that goes on in our classrooms and shops every day.

Individual student scores are being sent home to parents today, September 24th.

Power School

Parents should have received mailing about our new Student Information System called Power School.  If you have any trouble setting up an account, please consider these options for help:

1. Contact us via email at iparenthelp@ssvotech.org , or you can call our Technology Office at 781.878.8822, extension 451.

2. If you would like some face to face support in our school library, please attend Meet Your Child's Teacher Night on Wednesday, September 25th.  Our Technology Director Crystal Paluzzi can assist you using one of the computers in our library media center from 6:00-8:00 PM.

As it stands now we are pleased that 238 parents have logged in to create Power School accounts, which is a great start, but we hope to help increase that number as we raise awareness with families.

Meet Your Child's Teacher Night, Wednesday September 25:  

The purpose of this evening is to allow parents to follow their child's academic schedule and hear from teachers in 10 minute group sessions about the expectations the teachers are setting for your child's classes. 

If families know a teacher's expectations and routines, it empowers parents to assist children at home, while still preserving your child's path toward greater independence.  

For parents this night also allows you to put a face with a name prior to the parent-teacher conferences later in the school year.


NEASC stands for New England Association of Schools and Colleges, which is the accreditation organization that evaluates public schools.  NEASC conducts full visits every 10 years, and our last visit was October 2003. A visiting team of educators from around New England will be visiting SSVT in action from October 7-10.   The team will be observing all aspects of the school's operations and will be talking with students and teachers.  From this visit we will be given recommendations for further growth and improvement.

Terrific Teacher Nominations

Mrs. Dutch is seeking parent and student input on nominating teachers for a new monthly award.  If you would like to nominate a teacher, please contact our main office for a form and we can send it to you electronically.

SSVT Craft Fair, October 19, 2013 from 10:00-3:00

The SSVT Parents Association continues its fine tradition of sponsoring one of the best craft fairs in the region here at SSVT.  I hope you will share this information with friends and stop by.  

If you have any questions, please contact me.  Best wishes for the rest of the week!